Commercial Drive
Medical Clinic

1515 Commercial Dr
Vancouver, BC V5L 3Y1
Tel: (604) 255-5922

MON - FRI 9:00 - 5:00


Botox Injections

Just because you have lived an experienced life doesn’t mean that your skin has to show it – see you later wrinkles and say hello to beautiful and radiant skin with Botox injections!

At Commercial Drive, we want to empower all of our clients to feel amazing at any age. Botox injections have the ability to help you look youthful without appearing like a totally different person. All of our Botox injection treatments are safely administered by our certified professionals that can help you discuss your beauty goals with your safety in mind. 

Ready to rewind the effects of aging without erasing the amazing memories you have made along the way? Start with Botox injection treatments!

call (604) 255-5922

30 Min
Botox / Dysport $10 per unit
Minimal Downtime

What are the benefits of Botox Injections?

Botox injections have become one of the most prominent beauty treatments throughout the last two decades, and for great reason! While you may have known that the treatment can erase Crow’s Feet, wrinkles, marionette lines and fine lines, botox injections have numerous other advantages that you should take note of including:


  • Providing your skin with an even tone while looking natural
  • Delays further signs of aging
  • Reduced instances of chronic headaches and migraines due to the soft release of the facial muscles
  • Decreased muscle spasms and reduced effects of Bell’s Palsy

Book an appointment

1515 Commercial Dr, Vancouver, BC V5L 3Y1

How long does a treatment take?

Just like every other treatment, Botox injection treatments will vary in length depending on how many areas you would like to target and how much correction is desired. On average, a treatment will take anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes. The best part is that there is no downtime because the treatment is minimally invasive, so you can even do it during your lunchtime!

With our experienced medical aestheticians that are trained in the latest techniques and methods, we can ensure that your treatment will be performed in a highly sanitized, safe and meticulous manner.

How long will it take to see results?

While Botox injections are a quick and minimally-invasive procedure, final results will not be visible instantly. Your skin will need to get adjusted to the dosage, so expect anywhere from three days to a week to see improvements. The results will strongly depend on your body’s ability to metabolize the components of the injection so results will vary from person to person. The treatment is virtually painless, with just a small pinch resulting from the injection, while you will witness results that can last up to five months!

During your consultation, we will encourage you to ask any questions you may have to ensure that you have a positive experience. We will walk you through what a session will look like, and give you an educated estimate on when you can expect results based on your skin condition.

Its time to get rid of those wrinkles!

Contact us today at (604)-255-5922 to book an appointment!

Invigorate your complexion and feel decades younger with Botox Injection treatments!

It’s time to rediscover your most confident self to date! We can help you achieve a younger, more relaxed look that can take years off your appearance in minutes.

There isn’t an ‘appropriate age’ anymore to start beginning Botox injections treatments. If you’re wanting some wrinkles and fine lines to disappear, then it’s time to book an appointment with us! 

How do Botox Injections treatments work?

As we get older, the elasticity in our bodies starts to slow down. By relaxing the facial muscles, your skin will look a lot smoother and more radiant. Botox injections have the ability to paralyze the muscles that increase your chances of having wrinkles, and give you that extra boost to help you glow!


Treatments are made using a fine needle, injecting the Botox neurotoxin that helps block signals from reaching the affected muscles. While you will still be able to make normal facial expressions without any worry, the fine lines and deep wrinkles that usually appear due to repetitive expressions won’t have the power to form. Generally, most clients that choose to have frequent Botox Injections will experience reduced fine lines and wrinkles as the underlying muscles are already trained to relax.